Coordination Games – Stimulate your eye-hand coordination

We present the new game we have developed for cognitive stimulation, this time to stimulate coordination from your mobile device. This game belongs to the ‘Senior Games‘ collection aimed at old people and senior players.

Coordination mobile games google play download

app store coordination games

Manual eye coordination, eye-hand or manual vision is understood as a relationship between the eye and the hand, and is the ability of an individual to use their hands and eyes simultaneously in order to perform a task or activity. Through these games you can stimulate coordination and develop the general balance of your own body, adapt the look to the hand movements and develop the sense of directionality.

The development of eye-hand coordination generally occurs through movement, from a very early age. The visual components of oculomotor skills (how the eyes move) include visual fixation, visual tracking and visual exploration. These early stages of development play an important role in the process of assimilating visual information and using it to perform motor tasks.

Coordination games

In this collection of games you will find different exercises for:

– Maintain the balance of elements using the gyroscope

– Dodge objects

– Work on laterality and visual motor coordination

This app has been developed in collaboration with doctors and experts in neuropsychology. In addition to reasoning skills, these games help to stimulate other areas such as attention, fine motor skills, visual perception, memory or reasoning.

Although the app is aimed mainly at elderly people this game is suitable for the whole family, from the youngest to senior players, as it offers different difficulty levels.

Coordination games is totally free and it is available for Android and iOS devices so you can play it wherever you want. We are constantly updating the game so we really appreciate you feedback and suggestions in order to improve it. We hope you like it!

Play it now:

google play download

app store coordination games


Visual Perception Games: stimulate your visuospatial skills

Continuing our project ‘Senior Games’ for the cognitive stimulation of elderly people, today we present the third game that we have developed: Visual Perception Games. This application currently contains 6 games designed to stimulate visual perception and spatial intelligence.

Visuospatial games visual skills
google play download

Visuospatial skills are essential for our daily life in order to know our spatial position, where an object is in relation to others, give instructions or handle different tools. Visual abilities are related to the ability we have to handle aspects such as color, line, shape, figure, space and the relationship that exists between them.

Visuospatial games visual skills

In this collection of games you can:

  • Make symmetrical patterns
  • Stop moving objects
  • Compare position of figures
  • Work space rotation
  • Locate numbers within a scale
  • Estimate length of contours and perimeters

This app has been developed in collaboration with doctors and experts in neuropsychology. In addition to visuospatial skills, these games help to stimulate other areas such as attention, fine motor skills, visual memory or orientation.

Although the app is aimed mainly at elderly people this game is suitable for the whole family, from the youngest to senior players, as it offers different difficulty levels.

Visual games is totally free and it is available for Android and iOS devices so you can play it wherever you want. We are constantly updating the game so we really appreciate you feedback and suggestions in order to improve it. We hope you like it!

Play it now:

google play download

Memory Games – Stimulate your cognitive skills

Tellmewow presents Memory Games, a collection of games that is already available on Google Play and App StoreMemory Games currently brings 7 games and we are still working on it to ad more games in the coming weeks.

Memory Games Tellmewow
In this memory game collection you will be able to:

– Find card pairs
– Repeat sequences
– Avoid obstacles and trace the right path
– Remember figures and numbers
– Memorize patterns
– Associate objects
– Stimulate working memory

Firstly, we have worked on the playful part, emphasizing the usability and the game mechanics. In a second phase we will incorporate a specific section so that users can see their evolution based on the results of the game.

Memory games is included in an interesting project we are developing now: Senior Games. It consist of a collection of games for iOS and Android, mainly aimed at people over 50 years, designed to stimulate different cognitive areas such as memory, attention, visuospatial function, speed of processing or coordination.

Senior Games is a project carried out with the collaboration and advice of expert professionals in neuroscience and psychiatry, with the aim of serving as a complement in the treatments carried out by doctors and health centers. On the other hand, it serves as a way of entertainment and mental training for anyone who wants to install it on their mobile device. The objective of this project is precisely that, to be an app that is used for the mere fact of enjoying playing and at the same time can serve as a tool for stimulating different cognitive areas.

All games are suitable for smartphone and tablet, so they can be used anywhere and by anyone.

We invite you to try Memory Games and send us your comments. We are in an initial phase of the project, so we greatly appreciate your opinions and suggestions to continue improving it.

Download now!google play download

We hope you like it!